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The Congress
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7 tickets included in the package
special rate for additional attendees (20% discount)
preferential seats during the plenary sessions
attendees database in excel format after the event
standard booth included (optional)
Your company logo*
on all electronic promotional materials (website, newsletters, online banners)
on all printed promotional materials (roll-ups, pop-up spider, event agenda & folders etc.)
in the media campaign (after the contract is signed)
in the videos running in the main hall
on the event`s roll-up banners from the main hall
two individual roll-up banners in the conference meeting room - during the plenary sessions
individual roll-up banner in the conference meeting rooms - during one breakout session - depending on the discussed topic
insert in the delegate`s folder
promotional video display at the beginning of each congress session (no longer than 30 seconds)
partner mentioning during the plenary sessions
brand promotion on social media channels
partner mentioning in the pre and post event press releases (after the contract is signed)
dedicated advertorial / interview on the event website & special insert in the newsletter
dedicated newsletter after the event
5 minutes speech on stage of a top representative of the company during a plenary session
top representative of the company moderating one of the breakout sessions
5 tickets included in the package
special rate for additional attendees (15% discount)
preferential seats during the plenary sessions
attendees database in excel format after the event
standard booth included (optional)
Your company logo*
on all electronic promotional materials (website, newsletters, online banners)
on all printed promotional materials (roll-ups, pop-up spider, event agenda & folders etc.)
in the media campaign (after the contract is signed)
in the videos running in the main hall
on the event`s roll-up banners from the mail hall
two individual roll-up banners in the conference meeting room - during the plenary sessions
individual roll-up banners in the conference meeting rooms - during one breakout session - depending on the discussed topic
insert in the delegate`s folder
promotional video display at the beginning of each congress session (no longer thant 20 seconds)
partner mentioning during the plenary sessions
brand promotion on social media channels
partner mentioning in the pre and post event press releases (after the contract is signed)
dedicated advertorial / interview on the event website & special insert in the newsletter
dedicated newsletter after the event
top representative of the company moderating one of the breakout session
3 tickets included in the package
special rate for additional attendees (10% discount)
preferential seats during the plenary sessions
attendees database in excel format after the event
standard booth included (optional)
Your company logo*
on all electronic promotional materials (website, newsletters, online banners)
on all printed promotional materials (roll-ups, pop-up spider, event agenda & folders etc.)
in the media campaign (after the contract is signed)
in the videos running in the main hall
on the event`s roll-up banners from the mail hall
two individual roll-up banners in the conference meeting room - during the plenary sessions
individual roll-up banner in the conference meeting rooms - during one breakout session - depending on the discussed topic
insert in the delegate`s folder
partner mentioning during the plenary sessions
promotional video display during one breakout session of the congress (no longer than 20 seconds)
brand promotion on social media channels
partner mentioning in the pre and post event press releases (after the contract is signed)
top representative of the company moderating one of the breakout session
1 ticket included in the package
special rate for additional attendees (5% discount)
preferential seat during the plenary sessions
standard booth included (optional)
Your company logo*
on all electronic promotional materials (website, newsletters, online banners)
on all printed promotional materials (roll-ups, pop-up spider, event agenda & folders etc.)
in the media campaign (after the contract is signed)
in the videos running in the main hall
on the event`s roll-up banners from the mail hall
individual roll-up banner in the conference meeting rooms - during one breakout session - depending on the discussed topic
insert in the delegate`s folder
partner mentioning during the plenary sessions
brand promotion on social media channels
partner mentioning in the pre and post event press releases (after the contract is signed)
Official Partner of a workshop
Official Partner of the Cocktail
Official Partner of the Gala Dinner
10 pax table at the Gala Dinner
Chair branding at the Gala Dinner
Event Lanyard
Event Notepad
Special Insert in the delegate’s folder
Highlighted logo on the event’s agenda
Highlighted logo on the event’s pen
For more details contact us